Category Archives: Cleanrooms

Trouble in the World’s Best Cleanroom?

Bacterial infection tuberculosis

In the contamination-control industry, we all understand the importance of and difference in ISO classes. These global standards were devised and adopted when the U.S. General Service Administrations standards – then known as FS209E – were no longer adequate in categorizing the growing specifications in cleanroom technology. From the original six classes of the FS209E, [Read More…]

When Are Errors To Be Seen as Opportunities for Improvement?

Invitro Info Graphic

As with much of life, perfecting the implementation of a technique is a matter of trial and error. From the correct perspective,  and, in finding a solution to a problem, the error is prevented from recurring. In this light, mistakes are simply opportunities disguised as problems and they allow for continual improvement. And in one [Read More…]